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Polyform Boat Fender - F Series

Sizes F1 - F8

Model: F Series


The F Series fender has offered protection to the world's finest yachts and fishing vessels. Why? Because the owners and captains of these prestigious boats know that they can rely on Polyform’s F Series fenders to offer the size, strength and dependability to protect their vessels from the rigors of the sea and weather. If you want the ultimate in protection for your boat, Polyform F Series fenders are the only choice!

Polyform Boat Fender - F Series

Warna: White
  • F

  • Model

    Approx. Dimensions

    (Inches x Inches)

    Approx. Buoyancy

    Volume (Litres)

    F-1 6x24 7.2
    F-2 9x28 16.3
    F-3 9x30 20.4
    F-4 9x41 29.1
    F-5 12x30 27.6
    F-6 12x42 57.2
    F-7 15x42 71.2
    F-8 15x58 149.9


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335 Beach Road
Singapura 199564

Telp: +65 6298 1233

Faks: +65 6296 7640


335 Beach Road
Singapura 199564

Telp: +65 6298 1233

Faks: +65 6296 7640

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Pendaftaran Bisnis No: 197502121N

Didirikan sejak 1970, Honly Company Pte Ltd telah berperan penting dalam impor dan ekspor semua jenis tali yang terbuat dari polietilen, polietilen mono / multi / danline, nilon, jalinan nilon mono, kuralon, poliester dan tali sisal; benang pada kumparan atau gulungan yang terbuat dari polietilen, nilon multi; semua jenis jaring seperti jaring ikan yang terbuat dari polietilen, nilon, nilon monofilamen, pengaman konstruksi, anti jatuh, peneduh matahari, kargo, pemisah, pembatas jalan, pagar plastik, olah raga, pengecoran, jaring trammel; pelampung dan kail pancing; juga, rantai baja ringan galvanis yang dicelup panas, paku perahu, kawat besi kawat segi enam, terpal, dll.

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